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I hope for the better. I hope that in the future,we will be able to achieve more than what we would ever expects of ourselves. I'm proud of who I am, what I have achieved and hopefully, who I will be next time. I am proud of my group Three Js, for being who they are because the final video would have not been possible without each of our personality/character/knowledge and strengths.

We worked pretty well, I would say.

Joanna, Jennifer, if you're reading this, thank you. You know I would crumble if I didn't have you two along with me through this final video journey.

As Mr Charles said, we could probably start our own production team.

Joanna should experiment more with acting and Jennifer, your editing and filming was superb.

And the three of us, we are barely 20 years old. Imagine us working together in the future with more experience and knowledge. Ha, think about that and call me in 5 years ok. hehehe.


& who knows what would happen in the future? But that's the beauty. We keep living, we keep doing what we do best and we dream. And even when we do something wrong, is it ever wrong?

And that's when ladies and gentleman, anything is possible.

So don't put boundaries, do what you want, be who you are.

Thank you.

MaeJane Ng

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